Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Finals Week

Shit's startin' to hit the fan! Of course I am very busy in these last 2 weeks of school, but I'm staying strong and getting all my work done. Almost all of my blueprint sketches and hole sketches are finished as well as to scale drawings and a 3d topographic map of the course. I'm glad I started my process binder early this semester because without much work at all it is coming together. I am very happy with where I am at! Before the semester is over I will post sketches and other stuff

Monday, November 28, 2011

On my way

I have had some critiques with Ben, and we have decided to change our schedule a little bit. The actual process of making the model is going to begin next semester, and the life size playable hole will begin to be made over winter break. Before I come back for the spring semester, all of my drawings will be finished and there will be no questions or problems when it comes to making the model. I am also about half way done with y process binder, which should be done soon!

Monday, November 14, 2011


I had my individual critique with Chaya, and I have one with Ben tomorrow. Chaya's critique was more on the concepts of my project, and Ben's critique will be more about how I am actually going to physically make the project. Everything so far is going swimmingly though, and I am on schedule!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Conceptual Thinking

After my first presentation in front of the whole Graphic Design and Fine Arts faculty, I have learned from the critique and sent my project in a slightly new direction, but without steering off course from my original vision. I still have some kinks to work out, which I will work out with Chaya at noon on Friday. This way, I will have a good 4 days to get my next presentation ready, which is on Wednesday.
     I am also doing a lot of work getting my process binder up to date. I have a lot of pictures and some pages of text with inspirations, helpful ideas, and background information. Also, there are many sketches and pictures of different tiles that show texture and color with acrylic paint and glaze combinations. There are actually about 180 samples of paints and glazes I will be recording, so this is a lot of good information I can use to excel my project as far as it can go.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Presentation in front of faculty

I feel like I got tore a new one honestly, but I guess it makes sense that I should get my brain picked pretty hard. I have put a lot of thought behind my project, and a lot of research as well, and I am going to follow the path that I am on. There are obviously some aspects that I much change and some things I must tweak, but I know what I want to do and I will do it to the best of my ability to reach my full potential. After much thought, I actually thought my presentation and critique went well, and I am excited to include new changes to my project, which will include a more formal documentation of progress and a larger scale of testing different techniques for a more life like effect.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Let's start working with my hands!

Planning for my miniature course is going well and I think I should start making models for the holes by the end of the week!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Doin my own thaaaaaang

In partnering with Erie islands Resort for remaking their mini putt, I do not have enough room for open creativity for a capstone project, so I am doing it separately in my spare time and creating an entire course on my own for the capstone project.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Following through!

I was contacted today by Erie islands Resort, who said that they would like to give me constraints to design a 9 hole miniature golf course for the resort if it that is acceptable with professor Sara. I feel like doing my Capstone project for a real life situation would give me some experience with how to deal with other businesses and it will help me enter the miniature golf industry! I am having my topic meeting with her today, so I will run it by the boss!

Mini golf partnered with Erie Islands Resort is a go for my Capstone project woohoo!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Business opportunities!

A woman who works at the resort that my family goes to just called me yesterday. She told me that the resort just destroyed their mini golf course, and that my dad told her that I was designing one for my capstone project. I have not called her back yet,  but I am pretty excited to hear what she has to say to me!

Monday, September 19, 2011

First work day of class! Woohoo!

Today is the first day of our Capstone class where we can focus on our own project! I decided to go with my mini-putt idea and I believe I am planning on looking up a bunch of examples of different holes previously made and the different obstacles and functional parts of those holes for inspiration!