Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Conceptual Thinking

After my first presentation in front of the whole Graphic Design and Fine Arts faculty, I have learned from the critique and sent my project in a slightly new direction, but without steering off course from my original vision. I still have some kinks to work out, which I will work out with Chaya at noon on Friday. This way, I will have a good 4 days to get my next presentation ready, which is on Wednesday.
     I am also doing a lot of work getting my process binder up to date. I have a lot of pictures and some pages of text with inspirations, helpful ideas, and background information. Also, there are many sketches and pictures of different tiles that show texture and color with acrylic paint and glaze combinations. There are actually about 180 samples of paints and glazes I will be recording, so this is a lot of good information I can use to excel my project as far as it can go.

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